DOH Recruitmentbackground

Department of Health Recruitment |

We are looking for talented people to drive our missions forward!

Mason Leland
Mason Leland

“Family, benefits, grew up here, etc...”


“The State of Alaska has given me the ability to have a flexible schedule, generous leave, and retirement benefits, all while being present for my family needs. ”

Maria Rangel
Maria Rangel

Human Resource Technician 2

“I choose to work for the State of Alaska, Department of Health because it provides me with the flexibility and benefits needed to present for my family. ”

Lori Leber
Lori Leber

Human Resource Technician 2

“I enjoy working for the state of Alaska because it has allowed me to achieve a healthy work-life balance with a flexible work schedule. I enjoy plenty of leave to spend time with my family and vacation. Additionally, the benefits package is generous, offering comprehensive medical coverage and a solid retirement plan.”

Open job positions

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"Promoting the health, well-being, and self-sufficiency of Alaskans.

The Department of Health (DOH) has oversight of health care services, payment, eligibility determinations and payments of public assistance program benefits, and public health. The Divisions of Behavioral Health, Health Care Services, and Senior and Disabilities Services provide regulatory oversight, claims processing, facility licensing, and enforcement of Medicaid and state regulations. DOH actively engages with stakeholders to find opportunities for innovation within Medicaid and to improve health outcomes for all Alaskans

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