Our Divisions
The Division of Behavioral Health has a commitment to improving the quality of life of Alaskans through the right service to the right person at the right time. The central purpose of the division is to provide a continuum of statewide behavioral health services (mental health and substance use) ranging from prevention and screening to brief intervention through acute psychiatric care.
The Division of Finance and Management Services (FMS) provides financial, administrative, facilities, and technology services to the department.
We provide to all eligible Alaskans access and oversight to the full range of appropriate Medicaid services. We also protect Alaska’s most vulnerable populations through our certification and licensing sections.
Believing in the fundamental worth of our work, our agency provides and defends basic safety net services for the poor. We respectfully help needy individual and families reach higher levels of independence. By promoting the value of work, we improve the social and economic well being of those we serve.
The Division of Public Health envisions healthy and resilient Alaskans today and tomorrow. Our guiding principles of Service, Health Equity, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, and Dedication help ensure the fulfillment of our strategic plans, goals, and essential public health services.
Senior and Disabilities Services promotes health, well-being, and safety for individuals with disabilities, seniors, and vulnerable adults by facilitating access to quality services and supports that foster independence, personal choice, and dignity.